OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public number source code e-sports system than the heart source code

OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public number source code e-sports system than the heart source code | Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public number source code e-sports system than the heart source code
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Product Showcase

This product is Jinan One Soft Network Technology Co! Undertake secondary custom development! Our source code is not encrypted! Support secondary development! The company promises that all source code are open source! Guaranteed to protect the stability of the system!

Company Profile :Jinan OneSoft Network Technology Co. 

Release v8 on March 28, 2023 

Priced at 10888 , open source copyright license, the first time to build a small program end, technical documentation, a year of system updates and maintenance, a year of technical support 

1、User's new UI

2、User side new release dynamic video

3、New leaderboard board

4、New platform announcement

5、New pool notifications, etc.

6. Various new statistics on the management side

7、New modification of various user information

I. Functionality 

Look specifically at the mind map

Backend Services springboot+mybatisplus+mysql

Client-side uniapp (vue syntax)

Management backend vue+elementUi

Adaptation of small program + APP + H5 + public number, a set of source code, no matter which end you need we are a set of source code, the whole network can be compared!

Updated December 25, 2022 v7 8888

Updated November 9, 2022 v6 8888

Updated August 2, 2022 v5

1、User side New guild center Personnel management Apply for audit Withdrawal audit Kicked out of the guild Earnings ranking Earnings statistics

2、Management background add create guild guild delete guild modify guild application management

Earnings statistics Modify guild Personnel management Kick out chaperones Audit management Modify guild administrators

3, management background user center new guild service commission rate and guild gift commission rate

4、Order Center New guild commission New order export function

5、Gift record new guild and platform drawback instructions Support Export

6、User terminal new My Guild If you have not joined, you can enter the guild number to join the guild After joining, you can apply for withdrawal.

7、Message Center Module Message click to jump to the corresponding page Application and through the exit and so on.

Updated June 21, 2022 White Template

v5 version on-line new forum module Interactive module, dynamic audit, keyword filtering, fast dispatch, home page, authentication optimization, support for message, like, release, reward, view home page, user home page added, dynamic, forum module added, all and concerned about the friends of the my page my dynamic support deletion soft deletion of the management backend can be seen by the user does not see the management background to support the operation of the dynamic added coupons Module Management background can give coupons to specified users or all users, gifts and rewards, help center, classification filter, more classified.

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Open Membership Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Exclusive Privileges, Open Now! 

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II. Presentation notes

management back office

Account admin password 88888888

White UIH5

Small program demo: small program://Wenjing Xingyue Loves/VYcu0XCzOhcoTKl

Test account 17615400740

Password: 123456

III. Technology stack

Backend Services springboot+mybatisplus+mysql

Client-side uniapp (vue syntax)

Management backend vue+elementUi

IV. Description of services

Sales prices are provided with technical documentation, data preparation documents, deployment documents, complimentary first time small program building services.

Business consultation is free! The store guarantees to safeguard the availability of the source code!

Update the technical service fee of 2000 yuan a year all our products are the same!

Including free system upgrades, secondary development to provide technical solutions and so on.

v. statement of authority

I. Authorized source code included:

uni-app user side (adapted to public number + wechat small program + h5 + android + ios APP), vue management platform, java backend service

II. From the date of authorization, the licensee may use the product source code of the purchased licensed software.

Third, the licensee guarantees that the software does not contain any viruses, no obvious errors, in line with the software requirements of the system can be used normally, the source code of open-source delivery, support for the second open.

IV. The authorized party guarantees to provide the necessary technical support and after-sales service to legitimate users

V. The authorized software is limited to the use of the authorized party, such as transfer or resale, the authorized party will not provide technical support and after-sales service and legal responsibility.

VI. The licensee is prohibited from distributing or selling the source code of the Software in open source communities such as the Internet.

VII. The Licensee is prohibited from using the Licensed Software for illegal purposes.

Eight, the authorized party for the authorized party to pay the total cost of 10,888 yuan authorization fees, build all the third-party costs involved in all by the authorized party, the source code open source delivery support for the second open, the delivery of the source code without domain name and ip restrictions. Complimentary first time small program building services

IX. The authorized party has nothing to do with the authorized party if the authorized party uses the authorized software to engage in illegal and criminal activities.

X. Lifetime commercial authorization. Authorized units to ensure that the source code without any encryption to support the secondary development, the payment is completed, the authorization takes effect.

Picture [1]|OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public source code e-sports system than the heart source code | Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
Picture [2]|OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public source code e-sports system than the heart source code | Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
Picture [3]|OneSoft V8 white accompanied by playing high-end small program source code accompanied by APP source code H5 public source code e-sports system than the heart source code | Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
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