Charges? Doesn't exist! Commercially viable ChatGpt web source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to play realizations

Charges? Does not exist! Commercial operation of the ChatGpt web page source code v1.2.2, commercial paid cash, Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
Charges? Doesn't exist! Commercially viable ChatGpt web source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to play realizations
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This set of source code is a free open source project on Github ah, how all in the charge of selling, I am also convinced.

The whole source code is indeed great and very functional.

Picture[1],Charge? Does not exist! Can be commercially operated ChatGpt web page source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to cash, Jinan OneSoft Network Technology

Key Features

  • Back-office management system to manage users, tokens, products, card passwords, etc.
  • Well-designed UI with responsive design
  • Extremely fast first screen load speed (~100kb)
  • Support for Midjournal painting, DALL-E model painting, GPT4 and other applications
  • Built-in massive list of tips in English and Chinese
  • One-click export of chat logs, full Markdown support
  • Support for custom API addresses ( openAI / API2D )


Picture [2],Charge? Does not exist! Can be commercially operated ChatGpt web page source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to cash, Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
Picture [3], Charge? Does not exist! Can be commercially operated ChatGpt web page source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to cash, Jinan OneSoft Network Technology
Picture [4], Charge? Does not exist! Can be commercially operated ChatGpt web page source code v1.2.2, commercial pay to cash, Jinan OneSoft Network Technology


location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

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