OneSoft paid knowledge paid education paid resources paid platform public small program source code

OneSoft paid knowledge education paid resources paid platform public small program source code - Jinan OneSoft network technology
OneSoft paid knowledge paid education paid resources paid platform public small program source code
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This system is developed by Jinan OneSoft Network Technology Co., Ltd, OneSoft Technology has a multi-merchant, single merchant, Taobao, distribution rebate, task bounty, running errands, e-commerce, various types of rebate program and other types of ready-made source code for various industries, all with copyright, look forward to your consultation! We only do JAVA, only do cost-effective JAVA multi-terminal system, to ensure that we sell the system to ensure stable operation! Professional technical team to provide you with professional technical services! Undertake secondary custom development! Our source code is not encrypted! Support secondary development! The company's commitment to all source code are open source! Guarantee guarantee system stability!

II. Experience Address

management back office

Account: admin

Password: 8 eights




 Support two open can be customized

III. Technology stack

Backend Services springboot+mybatisplus+mysql

Client-side uniapp (vue syntax)

Management backend vue+elementUi

IV. Description of services

Sales prices are provided with technical documentation, data preparation documentation, deployment documentation. Business consulting is free! The store guarantees to guarantee the availability of the source code!

The technical service fee is $2,000 a year all our products are the same!

Including free system upgrades, secondary development to provide technical solutions and so on.

OneSoft paid knowledge paid education paid resources paid platform public small program source code
OneSoft paid knowledge paid education paid resources paid platform public small program source code

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