Product Showcase
This system is developed by Jinan OneSoft Network Technology Co., Ltd., OneSoft Technology has more than 90 original and other types of ready-made source code for various industries, all with copyrights, and we look forward to your inquiries! We only do JAVA, only do cost-effective JAVA multi-terminal system, to ensure that we sell the system to ensure stable operation! Professional technical team to provide you with professional technical services! Undertake secondary custom development! Our source code is not encrypted! Support secondary development! The company's commitment to all source code are open source! Guarantee guarantee system stability!
This version supports distributed deployment methods and city agents, Event 5.0 Distribution Rules Event Registration 5.0 Operational Documentation Event Registration Process Document Cat and Mouse Game Activity Rules
Copyright license, restricted subject, no resale, support for secondary development, no restrictions on ip and domain name
Servers and domains. All information is prepared by yourself.
City agent version priced at 18,888, city agents, merchants stationed, self-managed mall, new UI, partner mode, open source copyright authorization, the first time the small program end of the build, technical documents, a year of system maintenance, a year of technical support One-directory service Follow-up maintenance fee of 2,000
Functional Description
Support for dynamic publishing, support for free and paid campaigns
Game Event Payment Process
Publish campaigns in the back office - Bind campaign leaders - Set conditions and time - Set payment
User registration - improve data - after the profile information - payment registration - registration success - waiting for the event - arrive at the event location to sign in - the initiator clicks to start the game - enter the game list - randomly assigned mice and cats - start the cat catch the mouse - the game rules (paid props and so on) - the game is over Mutual attention to the chat so that you can add the microblogging
Game Event Free Flow
Publish events in the back office -Bind the event manager -Set conditions and time -Set conditions such as free of charge and number of people
User registration - improve data - after the profile information - free registration - registration success - waiting for the event - arrive at the event location to sign in - the initiator click to start the game - enter the game list - randomly assigned mice and cats - start cat and mouse - the rules of the game description (paid props and so on) - the game is over Mutual attention to the chat so that you can add the microblogging
Other activities process (such as publishing offline dinners and other activities, the cost can be AA and so on )
User registration - improve the data - personal data information - free registration - registration success - waiting for the event - arrive at the event location to sign in - the initiator can see the sign-in list - others can see the number of people in the event list - offline dinners, etc. - the end of the game Mutual attention chat so that you can add microblogging
The paid model allows the initiator to withdraw money minus a fee, and has a wallet function.
Game Description
Start game Random assignment of cat and mouse
After assigning, start the game. Read the game time to confirm.
Starting the rat race.
The cat's location is updated every three minutes.
The rat's position is updated every 5 seconds
The cat catches the mouse, scans the mouse's QR code, and turns into a cat.
Cats and cats start catching mice together, teaming up to catch mice.
Violations are out-of-range cats and cats that have been offline for more than 2 minutes.
Event registration client side:
Event Registration Console:
Account number: sqx
Password: 8 eights
III. Technology stack
Backend Services springboot+mybatisplus+mysql
Client-side uniapp (vue syntax)
Management backend vue+elementUi
IV. Description of services
Sales prices are provided with technical documentation, data preparation documentation, deployment documentation. Business consulting is free! The store guarantees to guarantee the availability of the source code!
The technical service fee is $2,000 a year all our products are the same!
Including free system upgrades, secondary development to provide technical solutions and so on.
[Purchase Affirmation]
1, the sale of software is only restricted to the buyer to use, such as transfer or resale, the seller will not provide technical support and after-sales service and legal responsibility. Source code all open source does not do any IP domain name restrictions! Prohibit resale!
2, prohibit the dissemination of goods in the network and other open source communities selling the software source code. Welcome to monitor and report resale, reporting a reward!
3, the buyer uses this software to engage in illegal and criminal behavior has nothing to do with the seller.
4. The use of this software system product is limited to research, study and entertainment purposes, and is prohibited for illegal operation!
5, the source code is reproducible, do not accept malicious refunds! Demo please be sure to contact customer service to get an account, experience the whole system, and then order!

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