Genuine source price, regular license with contract and record number, just pick it up inside.
Must purchase our short drama program to provide the source channel does not sell the source license separately
source code (computing)Platform Price.
Provide interface+original film+horizontal cover+vertical cover+cover+filing number+authorization letter
Can support the selection Not support the test No other on the article form These will continue to be updated at a later date
Must purchase our short drama program to provide the source channel does not sell the source license separately
source code (computing)Platform Price.
Provide interface+original film+horizontal cover+vertical cover+cover+filing number+authorization letter
Can support the selection Not support the test No other on the article form These will continue to be updated at a later date
Information sheet for 29 short plays:Non-exclusive, national, 1 year, 850 a piece 850*29=$24,650
Information sheet for 29 short plays.xlsx
xlsx file
127 plays new: non-exclusive, national, 1 year, 700 a piece 127*700=$88,900
127 plays new:.xlsx
xlsx file
[Total 15] Short Drama Pilot Film List (1): This new point of the second round of 4000 a 4000 * 15 = 60,000 yuan
Short Play Pilot Review Sheet.xlsx
xlsx file
Interface Documentation:The access method requires only an API address and no other request parameters or values.
1. Authorized IP and domain name are required.
2. The player is required to support m3u8+mp4 at the same time or support m3u8+mp4 playback plugin.
3. The size of the player or playback plug-ins requires the original picture, or according to the minimum size of 406 * 720 as the basis for the gradual increase in proportion.
4. The player or play plug-in requires vertical screen, not horizontal screen.
5. The development of the need to choose the right player playback speed will be very fast, some players play very slowly, such as the player volume, playback codecs and so on.

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